
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Project 365: 18th-24th December

So by my calculations, this is the second last 365 post and it's true that the closer I get to the end, the more sentimental I become!

18th December- RB was our little model while I talked to my lovely Mum about camera things such as white balance. This image is SOOC (straight out of camera), meaning no 'photoshopping' or editing (or removing the bruise on her cheek!) at all.

19th December- LIAR!!

20th December- AB and RB are participating in the Summer Reading Club organised by our local library. AB couldn't wait to apply the tattoo from his welcome pack.

21st December- EB having a blast at the new superpark in town. (iphone)

22nd December- I would love to say they were listening to their Dad reciting poetry or something equally as high brow, but no, all four were watching morning cartoons.

23rd December- These thistles are across the road from us and I drive out my driveway every day and think how I'd like to photograph them. Well it's only taken me all year to do so.

24th December- Christmas Eve at my parents' house. My little niece SS wearing the Wonderwoman outfit I'd found for her. Hee hee heee. (iphone)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Project 365: 11th-17th December

11th December- I'd just painted the other children's faces and didn't want MB to miss out.

12th December- I was lucky enough to photograph the dress rehearsal of RB's dance school concert (no that's not RB). I can remember being a little ballerina watching the older girls and hoping to grow up just like them. 
I'm sure there were a lot of little girls watching these talented dancers hoping the very same thing.  

13th December- MB and AB sharing boy time on my bed.

14th December- I came into the hallway and EB had assembled a whole bunch of googley eyes on the floor and was nowhere to be seen. 

15th December- One of the many things I love about 'our' school is that Santa visits every year and hand out presents to the children. Plus he arrives on a Harley, that is a whole lot of awesome.

16th December- Last year AB was given a Lego club membership for Christmas from his cousins. For the past two weeks he's been eagerly checking the mail to see if there was a special Christmas Lego delivery. Finally this groovy reindeer arrived.   

17th December- MB having cuddles with his Zia.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Project 365: 4th-10th December

4th December-  I took AB out with me to check out the light at a new location. 
Good grief I love that child to bits.

5th December- MB came with me to get my hair done. Last time I had my hair done he came too, but as it was 5 and a bit months ago, he couldn't see much. I choose to believe he is in awe of the transformation. (Yes, I am comfortable with people seeing me in this state, because honestly, it's the best my hair looked in quite some time. iphone)

6th December- Our first attempt at getting a picture of the 6 of us. The can of bug repellent AB is holding is empty, and things just went downhill from there.  

7th December- Some of the beautiful light during a wonderful family session. 

8th December- No, she is not preparing for the swimsuit portion of the pageant, Thursday is swimming lesson day for EB. (iphone)

9th December- Ridiculously out of focus picture, but if you squint then you can actually see that the dark menacing looking figure in the middle of the image is a hawk! I took this from my car while parked in our carport. I'm not a bird lover, but that is kind of awesome. (iphone) 

10th December- AB helping NB pick all the apricots from the tree at the very back of our place. 
My lovely mother in law turns the excess into jam for us and it lasts the whole year.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Project 365: 27th November- 3rd December

27th November- The youngest member of the fabulous family I photographed in Canberra.
Oh, how I had shoe envy.

28th November- it seems someone got into the baby powder in MB's room and had a little fun.
Can you see the footprints?

29th November- Out at a commercial shoot for flat peaches.

30th November- NB on the last day of Movember for this year. 
Great job NB, you did a very good thing.

1st December- I asked EB to go pop her thongs on ready for swimming. You know what, that's how she went to swimming too. (iphone- and fuzzy because I was leaning over in the car taking this. Car was parked Mum, it's ok). 

2nd December- EB was reading on my bed. I love catching her in quiet moments like this.

3rd December- I had a terrific night out at the Griffith City Library (yes, the library!), full of great people, food and wine. I feel so lucky to live in a town with so many people who are passionate about what they do. These groovy booklets outlining the exciting events taking place in the library next year were designed by the very talented Straight Lines Design and Marketing team.  

Monday, November 28, 2011

Project 365: 20th-26th November

20th November- Taken after it absolutely bucketed down with rain out the back. 

21st November- A lovely story about the 365 project in the local paper. The little ones were so excited to see themselves. (iphone)

22nd November- Mucking about with a bit of off camera flash, MB was more than happy to help.

23rd November- RB was free-styling. She was loving it. You can see by the dust how often the guitar gets used...

24th November- Out the back of our friends' house in Canberra, RB is quite the flower arranger. (iphone)

25th November- Whilst in Canberra, RB and I got to pick up her best friend from school. I love how they just took hands and off they went. This picture is fuzzy because I was negotiating steps in the rain, and using the iphone, but it makes me smile so much. And if I'm honest, a little teary too.  (iphone)

26th November- Scouting a groovy new location in Canberra for a photo session. (iphone)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

project 365: 13th-19th November

A few iphone photos mixed in this week, we were out and about quite a lot...

13th November- When I saw this scene, I was devastated. Probably more upset than the kids! We'd (I mean AB had) had Woody since for about 6 years, and it only took one instance of leaving him out the back for him to be left like this. (I realise I am a sook sometimes, I can't even watch Toy Story 3 without sobbing at the end. Curses, Disney!)

14th November- Jacarandas are called "Happy Birthday Trees" in our house because they flower around RB's birthday. I edited this picture a little differently to make it look a little more like a painting, less like a photo. 

15th November- MB and I were out and about and visited our great friend at his gallery. MB is going to be the most cultured baby around! He's been to numerous exhibition openings and workshops, he can't get enough. (iphone, and fuzzy because I was laughing as I was taking this pic...)

16th November- This is how EB fell asleep on the way into town to pick everyone up. I had been trying to tickle her toes to keep her awake. (Please note: I'm not usually such a nasty mum, but when she has a daytime sleep- even for 15 mins- it is sooooo hard to get her to bed before 10pm!) (iphone)

17th November- I went with RB & AB's class to Altina Wildlife park. Everybody loved it. (iphone)

18th November- Ok, so I get ribbed that there are no photos of MB and I together, so thanks to the magic of the remote shutter release thingy, here is one. Wrinkles and all (me not him). Next time I will aim to get one when he is happy.

19th November- An update of NB's Movember Mo. The hat really is his out-the-back hat, not a prop to make him look authentic.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Project 365: 6th-12th November

6th November- We have turned into a 'pod on trips' family. Big thank you to our lovely friends who passed on their pod. Now, we might be able to venture out of the postcode with the whole family. 

7th November- Late afternoons have turned into mud play at our place, and no one is enjoying it more than EB. I really love this photo of her.

8th November- RB's class is learning about insects at the moment. She found a part of an insect's home (wasp?) out the back and was mesmerised.  

9th November- EB & MB were watching Beauty and the Beast together and looking like a junior version of At The Movies. I expected EB to say, "So what did YOU think of it David?"

10th November- I made a little stop motion movie of the assembly of RB's birthday cake. 
This was the first frame. 

11th November- RB's birthday cupcakes for her class. How cool to have a birthday on 11/11/11!

12th November- Party time and RB's birthday cake. The clever thing decorated the outside herself with food colouring textas.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Project 365: 30th October- 5th November

30th October- A little bit of lunchtime viewing, AC/DC's Long Way to the Top. 

31st October- Happy Birthday Diesel Dog!

1st November- EB's hair had been in 2 buns that day, so when we took it out she looked a little like Rapunzel.

2nd November- NB is doing Movember for the 5th time this year and I was trying to get a 'before' shot. MB was practising his Blue Steel for the camera.

3rd November- EB was doing her excerises. When I left to get the camera she was standing on the board, when I came back this was the magic she busted out for me!

4th November- After a big day of drop offs, Art class, doctor's appt and school assembly, poor MB was exhausted (and he wasn't the only one!). 

5th November- Ah, nothing says "We've had a snake sighting" quite like a shovel at the back door.