
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Project 365: 20th-26th February

20th February- Love this photo of EB for the simple fact that she let me brush and blowdry her hair. Perhaps insignificant in other families, but EB is not a fan of having her hair attended to (unless it's her favourite hairdresser)

21st February- It's at this part of doing the groceries that I lose all motivation. Wait, who am I trying to kid, I beeped the horn as I came in the driveway and NB brought them in from the car!

22nd February- Eye love, you love, watermelon!

23rd February- The super awesome paper plane I made for AB. Sadly, shortly after this shot was taken, the plane was destroyed in an ownership dispute. (iphone)

24th February- The girls taking turns being a bucket head. (iphone)

25th February- A terrific friend gave the little ones these groovy night lights for Christmas. They love them.

26th February- RB has started tap this year and absolutely loves the class and her teacher. (Please note: For OH & S issues, RB does not practise tap on the tiles, it was just that the light was better in that room for the photo)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Project 365: 13th- 19th February

This week's collection of pictures seems to feature a lot of garden shots.  Maybe because it hasn't been quite so hot, and I have actually been outside for more than 30 seconds at a time...

13th February- This little fella was discovered hiding in the veggie patch. 

14th February- Ice cream and a 2 year old. Enough said. (iphone)

15th February- One of those flowers that we can't remember planting, or seeing before, but are happy to find in the garden.

16th February- Pretty Crepe Myrtle (I think) next to our clothes line.

17th February- Definitely my favourite photo this week. Halfway through and all is well. (iphone)

18th February- New growth on the Frangipani near our back door.

19th February- Just a after the rain, taken at my inlaws' house. (iphone) 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Project 365: 6th-12th February

6th February- I know it's not strictly 1 photo, but we had a cake smash for my god-daughter and I had to include 4 images. Just too cute.

7th February- Had a huge feeling of not enough hours in the day...

8th February- Last minutes of sun, on my way home from a school P & C meeting. (iphone)

9th February- Miss EB having her first proper haircut. I wasn't sure how she would go but she loves Alison from Individual Haircare and they had a lovely catchup! (iphone)

10th February- Agave plant at the inlaws' place. Love those plants. (iphone)

11th February- "Corduroy" was my favourite book when I was little, and this was RB hearing it for the first time.

12th February- AB collecting the eggs, one of his favourite jobs.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Five Days New!

We traveled to Canberra last weekend and I finally got to meet my divine new niece. I say finally, she was only five days old but we had been eagerly anticipating her arrival for what seemed like forever. 

She was worth the wait. 

I got my fill of snuggles (at least for a little while) and of course a couple of shots of the precious snoozy little princess. 

D & M, great job. You've done it again, she is perfect! Now, when are you visiting??


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Precious Little Poppet

What a beautiful day I had on Saturday. Not only did I get to catchup with a lovely friend I used to work with, but I met and photographed her gorgeous new baby girl. Sooo cute! She was content and patient the whole session.

N & B, congratulations. She is absolutely stunning, and big brother H is such a wonderful little man. Thank you for letting me share in this special family time. SBxx

P.S. I just love the look on Big Brother's face in the last shot, pure love.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Project 365: 30th January- 5th February

Running a little late posting these. We were away this weekend, better late than never I guess.

30th January- NB & AB making fresh pasta. Love Sunday afternoons.

31st January- First day of big school for my gorgeous girl RB!

1st February- Trying out an interesting shade of polish on RB and I.

2nd February- Huge spiders seem to be everywhere at the moment. Found this little charmer in a plant at my back door.

3rd February- I love that we have Thursday night dinners at my in-laws' house.

4th February-  Traveling to Canberra, EB is reading a high quality magazine article.

5th February-  I got to meet and photograph my brand new beautiful baby niece. 5 days old in this picture.