23rd May- Some look at this and just see mess, I see the evidence of three children eating all their dinner.
24th May- NB and my very rushed, unprepared self taken maternity portrait. More to come hopefully in future weeks with a little more time and effort. I just love that tree out the front. Oh, and NB too!
25th May- The rest of our week looked a little like this. RB came down with the horrible vomiting virus, and is still recovering, AB got it for 12 hrs the following day. Big thanks to our beautiful friend MS who dropped over the saladas and some peaches in syrup, which turned out to be the only thing RB could keep down all day.
26th May- At the in laws house, RB and her Nonno created this 'Boxmotator". (iphone)
27th May- NB and EB at art class at the gallery. Yes, he is wearing a pirate hat, and will be a huge contender for this year's father of the year. (iphone)
28th May- Cake decorating class with Nonna. To see more of Nonna's amazing cake art click here. (iphone)