
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Project 365: 22nd-28th May

22nd May- They say it takes a village to raise a child, well on Sunday it took four ladies to bath my gorgeous niece.

23rd May- Some look at this and just see mess, I see the evidence of three children eating all their dinner.

24th May- NB and my very rushed, unprepared self taken maternity portrait. More to come hopefully in future weeks with a little more time and effort. I just love that tree out the front. Oh, and NB too!

25th May- The rest of our week looked a little like this. RB came down with the horrible vomiting virus, and is still recovering, AB got it for 12 hrs the following day. Big thanks to our beautiful friend MS who dropped over the saladas and some peaches in syrup, which turned out to be the only thing RB could keep down all day.

26th May- At the in laws house, RB and her Nonno created this 'Boxmotator". (iphone)

27th May- NB and EB at art class at the gallery. Yes, he is wearing a pirate hat, and will be a huge contender for this year's father of the year. (iphone)

28th May- Cake decorating class with Nonna. To see more of Nonna's amazing cake art click here. (iphone)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Project 365: 15th-21st May

Big week in the Brown house. EB turned 3 on Wednesday so there are quite a few pictures featuring her celebrations this week.

15th May- NB and his lovely sister KB painting our room and bub's room.

16th- May- Wonderful friends sent this hat down for NB and completely brightened his day. (iphone)

17th May- Cupcakes for EB to take to daycare for her birthday.

18th May- EB's birthday! The moment she opened her eyes to see her present. Too cute.

19th May- Although this photo was taken a couple of days before, I wanted to use it for the 19th as it's the date of this little princess' 1st birthday. Happy Birthday EM.

20th May- EB and her beautiful cousin PS during art class at the Regional Art Gallery. (iphone)

21st May- Party day for EB. Most children would have a perfectly painted face, but as we've come to learn, EB isn't like most children!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Miss E and her Cake Smash!

I have had the pleasure of photographing the Divine Miss E a number of times over the past year and  have to say, she get's cuter every single time.

After I had to reschedule a couple of times, we managed to capture these gorgeous shots of the little princess, doing her very own 'Cake Smash' to celebrate her first birthday. She was quite dainty and serene during the whole thing.

I love the 'Mission Impossible" pose her Mum managed to get her in. Lot's of fun for all of us.

Happy Birthday Miss E! Sorry if we have ignited a passion for smashing all birthday cakes AC!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Project 365: 8th-14th May

8th May- My haul from Mothers' Day. Yes, that is a pink plastic lid from a snack container. EB presented it to me.

9th May- NB presenting my piece from the 'Faces of Griffith' exhibition to the new owner. I'm sure all the most important presentations are made in a carport and documented with an iphone.

10th May- RB playing at the park while AB has soccer training on the oval. (iphone)

11th May- Very cold day so we made hot chocolate for afternoon tea. EB is starting to voice her concern that she was out of hot chocolate.

12th May- My impersonation of a white whale.  Otherwise known as check up day. All good, bub is behaving. (iphone)

13th May- AB has been voted the junior class' SRC rep for the year. At assembly the parents were asked to pin their children's SRC badges on. NB and I were very proud.

14th May- After many weeks of saving, AB paid his lay-by off today, so the evening was spent creating a Dojo. A very happy man.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Project 365: 1st -7th May

Lots happening in the Brown house this week so I only have one series of photos. However, I think these are awesome. Taken last Sunday, NB and the little ones making and sampling delicious orange juice. Everyone is ok, bub is still 'cooking'. Only 9 weeks to go!