
Saturday, January 1, 2011

365 Project Day 1!

I have long admired photographers who participate in the 365 Project. The idea is simple, take a photograph each day of the year to document a kind of 'year in the life'. Each and every day of the year. The 'every day' part has seemed hugely daunting to me, but this year I have decided to give it a try. I cannot promise I will have a perfect record, but I'm going to give it a red hot go.

I'm hoping to do a weekly post which will show the 7 days of that week. There is no way I can put them up each day, but weekly seems a little more manageable.

Today's however, I thought I'd pop up on it's own. 

SO here's the story behind it. Today's temp is 42c. Our air conditioner stopped working two days ago and we can't get anyone out to fix it till after the public holiday. Instead, the little ones are out the back cooling off 'old school' by running through the sprinklers and the littlest one was lapping it up (literally) in the clam. Good times.



  1. ahhhh SB, what a perfect start to your lil project...I look forward to you completing the task with a perfect record.
    Happy New Year to you n the family.

  2. Beautiful photo Sarah! Will you follow E for the year or will it be a day in the life of the whole family?

  3. I think I would be exhausted following E the whole year, and some of the things she gets up to, well I'd prefer not to post!! I think there will end up being quite a variety by the end of the year.
    Just taking it one day at a time!
